Entries by Brooke Ogilvie Photography (424)


Claire is graduating ~ Seniors

Claire and her mom, Dellen, are so much fun to be around. I had some major face aches after smiling so much with these two. Please hang out with me all the time, k?K. 

Claire is graduating soon and plans to attend SMU and study journalism. She is such a beautiful girl and gotta say she kind of looks like Lauren from American Idol right now (who I love by the way). Congratulations and hope you love your pictures!


Knox Corn ~ 1 week old

I just think this family is presh! Autumn was one of the very first people who hired me when I moved and today she was my last client on my last day living here in Lubbock (more on this later:) ) I photographed her first son, Tucker, who is now almost two. They have now added a sweet boy, Knox, into the mix:) 

I drove to Plains, TX a couple of weeks ago and snapped a few of Knox at only a few days old. Jarrett couldn't be there then, so they met up with me today in Lubbock and completed our session with the whole family:) 

I hope you enjoy your pictures and thank you Corn family for all of your support!!

And now the whole fam:)


Kaitlin is graduating ~ Seniors

Oh sweet Kaitlin!!! Kaitlin is graduating from Texas Tech University this May. She is such a delight to be around and is so natural in front of the camera. Her mom came along and I feel like I've known these ladies forever. We talked and laughed our way through the session and found some great spots downtown. More exciting news ~ Kaitlin is getting married next June so more happy events to come! Congratulations and I hope you enjoy your pictures.


Diego is graduating ~ Seniors

Diego literally cracks me up! I don't know what it is, but he just says and does the funniest things without knowing it. ha I met Diego two years ago when I had the awesome opportunity to shoot his brother's wedding here and also his family here

Now, Diego is a senior and graduating from Levelland High School in May. Congratulations and thanks for making my job fun! Isn't he cute?!


Stephanie and Blake ~ Couples

I drove to Abilene to meet up with Stephanie and Blake who are such a sweet and beautiful couple. They have been married for four years and needed some updated photos:) We drove around Abilene and braved the winds of west Texas which seems to be a common theme lately;) 

Thank you guys for such a fun morning and hope you find some you love! Here are my favs:)