Entries by Brooke Ogilvie Photography (424)


Autumn and Jarrett

I got to meet Autumn and Jarrett yesterday in Plains. They own so much countryside that it was perfect to just take pictures out there. Tucker is on the way in August and he is a lucky boy to have these two. He has the cutest nursery awaiting him when he gets here. Can't wait till he is born and I get to visit again:)

Above and Below: SO sweet

Above: haha love it!

Seriously, such a beautiful mom!!

Aren't there dogs precious! Hope you like them!!


Autumn and Jarrett: Sneak Peek


Carli and Lance

My first official shoot in Lubbock was yesterday and I have to say Carli and Lance rocked it out for me! They were such a fun couple who were so easy going! Lance just graduated from Texas Tech (yay) and Carli is in graduate school for speech-language pathology. For those of you who don't know, this is what I do as my full time job so we instantly had much to talk about. Thank you for doing just about anything for me and being so fabulous. Hope to see ya'll again!

Below: I love everything about this photo! 

Don't they just fit so perfectly together. Beautiful people!

Below: My absolute favorites!


I love this photo. What do you think?:)



Carli and Lance: Sneak Peek


Beautiful Ten

This past weekend I got to shoot Katie, Donny, and their beautiful baby Coleman. Then this past Sunday night, we added on the whole clan! This family was wonderful and came with great energy and spunk! We had two little ones on the shoot and I think gummy bear sums up our shoot:) Thank you so much guys and I hope you find some that you love!