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Samantha and Chris

Samantha and Chris were so much fun to hang out with on Saturday. They are full of energy and love for each other! They are getting married in April and she brought these colored balloons to our session which represent all the colors in her wedding. I love this as I love color and I think this was a great idea. Here are some of my favorites:)

Below: One of my new favorites!

Chris bought this hammock in Mexico when they were on one of their mission trips together. Another little prop that makes me happy!

So sweet! 

Below: Another favorite!

April 24th:) I can't wait till the wedding guys!

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Reader Comments (2)

I love all the new pics! Like always!

October 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChiara

What a cute couple. Great pics! Like the one with the date, the hammock and tractor.

October 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSharon Dear

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