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Emma Snow

You might remember Ashley and David's maternity session a while back and one month ago, they had their precious baby girl, Emma. I love baby sessions! Emma had great expressions for me to capture:) We spent some time outside and then in Emma's adorable nursery.

David sings and plays his guitar to baby Emma at night and they had the great idea of incorporating this into the pictures! Check it out:)


 I love how she is reaching out! :)

Back at their house, we took some of Emma in her room which I was so impressed with. Ashley put a lot of work into the nursery!

So great right?!

Here's Emma lounging in her chair:) Love the faces!!

Below: My favorite of Emma:)

Emma then threatened me for this to be the last picture. ha I kid I kid

Thank you for letting me take pictures of your beautiful family!

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Reader Comments (2)

We love them Brooke!! Thank you so much & we can't wait to meet up again...maybe 6 months?? :)

November 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAshley

awww she is just beautiful! i like the nursery shots :D

November 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErin

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