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Ripley Family

Aww I love this family. Cassiey, the only woman in the next few photos aka mom, also happens to be the director of rehab where I work. She is an essential part to my everyday life at work because she makes everything run smoothly. I don't know how she does it all!! It was so great meeting the whole family and her kids are full of energy and personality! So here is the Ripley family:)

Above: Look at that posing by Carter (far left) ha

The trains were a hit!


Above: Cassiey and her oldest, Tyler. 

Love the next series. Carter and Caden are too fun. 

I love the last photo! A "loving" tackle for dad:)

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Reader Comments (1)

aww!! i love the one of him upside down with that yummy light peeping through! SO fun brookey (hehe) way to go!!

November 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErin

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