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Rachel and David

Rachel and David just celebrated their 1 year anniversary yesterday and we were discussing how fast one whole year goes by. They made me feel better about trying our cake in a couple of months. We had a great time traveling around Abilene looking for some good spots. These two were troopers....they dealt with stickers in the hand...stickers in the feet...stickers in the pants....stickers everywhere! I'm just glad I smartened up and didn't wear my sweatpants. Sweatpant stickers are hard to get out FYI. Thank you guys for doing just about anything:) And Happy One Year! From the looks of it, ya'll will have many more happy years to come. 

Below: Favorite of the day! So sweet:)

Below: So beautiful and warm

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Reader Comments (1)

Ohhh!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the second one of her! Her eyes are so stark bright and clear, beautiful. But the one of them giggling on the railroad tracks is by far the best. Their happiness just makes you want to smile as well. They really look amazing girl! And way to remember no sweatpants...haha. And no slippers!

March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErin

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