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Turning 1 

Brylee had her 1st birthday party today full of cupcakes, presents, and fellow kiddos. I will say you are about to see a lot of cute kids! I loved this party because all of Corrie and Jeff's friends and family all have kids and they all help take care of each other's kids like they were their own. The love and support they have for each other is evident. Here are a few of my favorites from the day. Joe and Beth, I miss you. 

Birthday Girl!


Here are some of the cute kids....I couldn't get them all on here:(

Corrie! I'm sorry, I had to. It just makes me laugh:) ha

I think Brylee's first birthday party was a hit. I hope you liked them:)


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Reader Comments (4)

Brooke, these are amazing, like always! I forgive you for the last one.. it pretty much sums us up anyways! :) I love all the ones of the kids.. I am going to have to send them to their mommies. Two of my favorites is the one of Jeff and Brylee when she is opening presents & the one of Braelyn looking at Alyssa! Perfect. Can't wait to see them all. I think you captured some great moments. I hope you had a fun time and I appreciate it so much. You are the best! I love you!

March 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCorrie Loftin

You are such a gifted photographer (artist). These pictures are wonderful. I can really see the personality of each person in the shots. Your photos capture some precious memories. They are a blessing now and will be for years in the future.

oh my gosh girl!!! these are beautiful. i'm really loving the 85mm too! it really helps with those big beautiful detail shots you have. makes me want to consume large amounts of pink icing...and i don't even like icing!! well done friend :D

March 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErin

Brooke these are great! I really love the last one. I didn't get Corrie's face in my pic. lol You're so talented. I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures.

March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKristie Brock

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