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Briana and Justin

I know I've been saying this a lot, but once again... another awesome couple who were relaxed and comfortable with each other in front of the camera! Meet Brianna and Justin:) Briana is a friend of mine from grad school and she is about to graduate this weekend. YAY! And Justin was a neighbor of mine for about a year. Needless to say, I was so happy to take their engagements:) They are getting married in October. Good luck you two with jobs, wedding planning, and the long distance. Thank you for being amazing. 

On the left: When Justin realized I was taking pictures of their feet:) ha 

Another wonderful day full of clouds!


Above and Below: I just love both of these!

Below: So stinkin cute!

Below! OK so this couple gets major points for bringing this prop! They love to go fishing and this is a great example of bringing something that you like to do together or fits your personality. It makes the picture that much more special! I love these next few:)

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