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Amy & Jeff + Brylan

Today was so much fun! I got to meet up with the Shelburne family. Amy and I were both freshman at ACU together and I remember when I first met her thinking she was one of the prettiest people I had ever met. Not only gorgeous on the outside, she is so sweet natured and caring. Her and Jeff have a precious little girl, Brylan. We started out with the three of them and then got a few of Amy and Jeff alone. Here they are!


Below: SO Amy and Jeff came in from Amarillo this morning and they were telling me about this wonderful sunflower field! Jeff, thank you for driving us there! It was worth it:)

Don't they look perfect together!

Below: This cracked me up! I told Amy to move her arm up (not really explaining successfully). So she busted this out and I love it. So cute. 


Again, I had so much fun! Please call next time you are in town:)

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