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Tori and Tim

Some shoots just go smooth. Locations, the weather, and the couple just all fit together! This is how my shoot with Tori and Tim was. They are so lovable and fun and were willing to do absolutely anything which takes the shoot to a higher level. For the first couple of shots, I had the delight of shooting Izzy:) Here they are!

She is soooo cute!

Aren't they adorable!

Below: I just love these umbrellas!

Above: LOVE!

Below: These two could be models! Seriously?!

Below could possibly be my favorite! 

A fun interpretation of "American Gothic" :)

They just look so good together! Can't wait to see these babies;)

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Reader Comments (1)

You are right Brooke they could be models! You take beautiful pictures =)

July 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKayla

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