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Elli is graduating ~ {Lubbock Photographer}

A couple of weeks ago, I met up with Elli and her mother and we headed to downtown Abernathy. Abernathy was full of color and random furniture which always makes me happy. Elli is graduating from Levelland High School this year and plans to attend Hardin-Simmons University in the fall. Here are some of my favorites:) 

Elli, you are gorgeous!!

Again, Congratulations and it so great to meet you:)


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Reader Comments (3)

this are so good brooke!!! i love the ones of her staring directly into the camera, and the lens flare is a blast :D

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterErin Woolsey

I like all of these! Yes especially those where she is looking into the camer and the one where she is sitting on the step of the train in her sundress. Good background for pictures.

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSharon Dear

Elli looks amazing!! Good job Brooke!!

April 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDeagan and Tiago

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