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Lauren and Jacob ~ I Do : Costa Rica

I've been so excited to post these! What a wonderful place to get married!! Costa Rica is the best place I've traveled to so far. It was absolutely gorgeous and great weather! To top it off, I got to spend more time with Lauren and Jacob and their families who are so sweet and made us feel like old friends. Cade was able to go with me and after spending time with the couple, he told me how invested he felt. It was so funny to hear him say this as I feel this way every weekend with my brides and grooms. Getting to be with them on such an important day in their lives is truly a blessing and it's a no brainer why I love what I do! 

Lauren and Jacob (and family), thank you so much for asking me to come along and capture such an amazing day! I hope you find some photos you truly love!

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Reader Comments (1)

Dear Brooke,

The pictures are amazing!!!!!! Love them all!!! You are very talented.
It was very nice meeting you. I feel very honored to see my creations and flower designs on your web side.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Greetings from Costa Rica

C • B

Event Designer
• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Weddings & Events

T (506) 26378116

Herradura, Los Sueños
Pacific Coast

August 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCarol Bikker

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