Deziree and John ~ Couple Session: Dallas, TX

Deziree and John were soooo great to work with. I felt an instant connection with them and loved the way they interacted with one another..sweet sweet love! Enjoy my favs:)
Deziree and John were soooo great to work with. I felt an instant connection with them and loved the way they interacted with one another..sweet sweet love! Enjoy my favs:)
Yay for babies on the way:) Keely and Dillon are expecting their first baby boy, Bryant, in early January! Of course, I rambled on and on about having a baby boy and how great and amazing it is. I hope I'm not turning into an obnoxious parent already;)
PS: Keely looked amazing!
So excited to shoot Shelley and Jake's wedding in the spring! I had a blast running around downtown with them. They are so comfortable with each other and they were quick reminders of why I love engagement sessions! So much excitement and joy. Jake is a firefighter and they were able to get a firetruck from his old district to come and let us take pictures. It was great and added a personal touch!
PS. This was a blind date gone right!:)
Yay! The Hutchison Family!:) I had so much fun hanging out with this family and loved all the sweet moments with their new baby, Brody. Emilee is a sweet big sister and knows exactly what to do to get him to laugh:) Here are my favorites!
Emma is already 1 ??!! Where does the time go! I had so much fun with the Kiser family and what a cutie they have! Emma is so sweet and cuddly and I love her feathery hair. Here are my favs and if you want to see Emma 1 year ago, click here :)