Entries by Brooke Ogilvie Photography (424)


Ashley and Garrett ~ I Do : Dallas, TX

Ashley and Garrett married at East Dallas Christian Church followed by an awesome reception at Lofty Spaces in downtown Dallas. I have really liked Ashley and Garrett since our first meeting together! They are such a perfect fit for each other and I loved shooting them for each session and their wedding of course! Hope you enjoy the photos!!

This is definitely one of my favorite dress shots ever!

Ashley, you are so gorgeous!

They had a first sight and it was so so so sweet! 

Lofty Spaces was a very cool reception venue. I would definitely check it out Dallas brides!


Kate and Branson ~ After Session: Fort Worth, TX

I love after sessions! In case you don't know what they are, this is a great example. If you want more photos of you and your significant other after the wedding, book an after session where you get dressed back up and we get to focus on just the two of you with no time constraints:) It's a great option for couples who do not see each other before the ceremony. 

This session initially began as Kate's bridals as there was not enough time before the big day. Branson was able to join the second half and here is a collection of my favorite bridals and favorite pictures of the two of them:) 

We walked around downtown Fort Worth and found some great spots for the look they were going for. They are adorable to watch while shooting! I just the love the way y'all love each other!! Hope you find some you love:)

For a refresher, click here to view their wedding last November! 


Kate and Branson ~ After Session: Sneak Peek



Amelia Lyon Private Workshop!

This is way overdue! When I was in California a few weeks ago, it was to meet the one and only Amelia Lyon! My friend, Kara, from Vintage View Studios and me were talking about some possible workshops we wanted to attend and we both instantly said Amelia. It was great for me and Kara as right after this particular week, our living situations were changing drastically. Kara was moving to Seattle and I was moving to DFW area (yes, i have moved and will get to this soon:). It ended up being a great decision!

 Amelia's talent is amazing and I feel so blessed to have met her and to have learned so much. It was so funny when I first got to her house because I felt like I was driving to meet a celebrity. I mean I have been following her since I started this amazing journey and it was surreal sitting next to her and having conversation. 

She is so down to earth and her laugh is contagious! Amelia, I have so much to take with me from the workshop and I thank you so much for a great day and being so inspirational:) And a big thank you for bringing lemon drops back into my life.

Thank you Justin for taking this photo, you were a delight as well! Go mustard yellow camera bags! 

Yes, my hard palate suffered greatly with the amount of lemon drops I had that day! Still worth it!!! ha


Newhouse Family: Keller, TX

I had the pleasure of shooting Ryan and Laci over a year ago when she was pregnant with their first born and now he is crawling and walking everywhere:) Jackson is his name and he is so cute! That was the word of this session because I just kept saying, "He is so CUTE"! Well its true as you will see and we had a great time! I loved his little tie and the balloons:) Good job guys! 

Isn't he so Cute?! ha