Entries in My Life (14)
Madden Jack Ogilvie ~ My little Man

I still can't believe that almost 6 weeks ago, Madden became part of our family! My heart is so full and my life is forever changed. Cade and I are enjoying all of his little changes over the last few weeks and can't wait to continue to watch him grow!
Madden was a week late so we had to go ahead and induce. After 22 hours, our sweet boy finally made his debut into the world! What an experience we will never forget seeing him for the first time. I could cry right now thinking about it..too late!
My dear sister in law, Paige, took these photos for me at the hospital and I am so glad she did. Thank you as we will cherish these always!
After two days, Madden was admitted to the NICU so his first week was pretty rough, but we finally got to take him home and he is a strong, healthy, and happy baby! I took these when we got home. And yes, he looks just like my husband:) Look at that blonde hair!
Here we are at 1 month old!
I love you so much!
Erin and Brad ~ Couple Session: Fort Worth, TX

Oh how I love this couple and it's safe to say, the camera loves them too! They make one good looking couple! I've been asked lately being prego and all, "who takes your photos?". Well, this is the girl! Such an amazing friend and photographer. You can check out our maternity photos here:)
I had so much fun with Brad and Erin and loved the props they brought along including their dog, Winston! We were blessed with amazing sunlight that created some of my favorite romantic photos! Hope you enjoy!!
Costa Rica, here we come ~ out of town

Dear clients and loyal blog followers, I'll be leaving tomorrow to shoot Lauren and Jacob's wedding in Costa Rica! I'm so excited to hang out with these two again and experience such a beautiful place with my hubby! Just wanted you to know I'll be without email and internet for a week so please allow me to get back to you then! I have some family, engagement, and wedding sessions coming up on the blog real soon!:)
And since a post is never that fun without a picture, here is my little Camo! It goes to show even animals blink during a photo...or he is just not that interested!
Amelia Lyon Private Workshop!

This is way overdue! When I was in California a few weeks ago, it was to meet the one and only Amelia Lyon! My friend, Kara, from Vintage View Studios and me were talking about some possible workshops we wanted to attend and we both instantly said Amelia. It was great for me and Kara as right after this particular week, our living situations were changing drastically. Kara was moving to Seattle and I was moving to DFW area (yes, i have moved and will get to this soon:). It ended up being a great decision!
Amelia's talent is amazing and I feel so blessed to have met her and to have learned so much. It was so funny when I first got to her house because I felt like I was driving to meet a celebrity. I mean I have been following her since I started this amazing journey and it was surreal sitting next to her and having conversation.
She is so down to earth and her laugh is contagious! Amelia, I have so much to take with me from the workshop and I thank you so much for a great day and being so inspirational:) And a big thank you for bringing lemon drops back into my life.
Thank you Justin for taking this photo, you were a delight as well! Go mustard yellow camera bags!
Yes, my hard palate suffered greatly with the amount of lemon drops I had that day! Still worth it!!! ha