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Amie and Ryan

Amie and Ryan were sweet enough to be my models for the day and let me just say...they worked it out! Amie and Ryan are some of our best friends and it was great to hang out all day. They got married this past may and it turns out this is their 8 month anniversary today:) yay! Happy Anniversary and love you both:) 



I love this next series...push ups anyone?

Has anyone been seduced by Amie's eyes yet. Wow..beautiful!

I had lots of oooohhhs and aaahhhhs at this point. Look at that light!!

Amy and Ryan both work in the schools so of course we took this photo opt!

I should have warned everyone it was a long post, but I had soo many favorites! Let me know what you think:)


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Reader Comments (1)

aww these are awesome! you're right about them rocking out too :D
way to go amie! (great shoes :D)

as for my favorites, here goes.
1. 4th from the top with them in the corner? can i say amazing one more time??? and great composition.
2. I LOVE EVERY single one of the pushups, what a brilliant idea! your own twist to the image is found one. great greatness.
3. Awesome use of light on those last ones, the brightness feels so romantic.

two thumbs up love!

January 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErin Woolsey

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