
I had the pleasure of taking photos of Corrie and her two girls, Braelyn and Brylee. They are adorable and watching them all interact together was a treat for me. Thanks Kristie for all of your help along the way. Kristie actually makes these adorable bows and tutu's that you will see towards the end of the post.
Brylee thinks her mommy is #1..Good training mom!
Below is definitely my favorite!
This is a great series below:)
So heartbroken....
But, Big sis comes through for you!
Hope you enjoyed them, let me know what you think:)
Reader Comments (9)
These are 2 of the cutest little girls I've seen in 20 years. HA The photography is good. Wish you lots of luck and success with the new business, Brooke.
These are precious!!! You seriously are amazing! I can't wait for you to come shoot little Colt!! WHOO HOO!!
You did a great job Brooke! All the pics are precious! Thanks for the bow and tutu recognition!
The pictures are wonderful and you are a very talented photographer. I loved how you caught the girl's personalities. Your use of light really created some beautiful and amazing shots. Congratulations !!!! I will have to get in touch with you if I can ever get all my grandchildren together at one time. I would love some family photos from your unique point of view.
great pics! you will do great! i have a 2 year old lil boy and im about to have another one any day now. and i would love for you to take our pics sometime. if you will email me and let me know your prices! thanks!
These came out wonderful. I looked thru all of your photos and they are amazing. Corrie and the girls always take wonderful pictures. I would love to have my 2 1/2 year olds pictures taken by you. If you can, will you email me your prices I would appreciate it.
Hey! I sent you a comment last night to tell you how amazing these are but I dont think it posted for some reason. You did such a great job and are talented more than you realize! Seriously! We had fun and I LOVE these pictures so much! You are the best! I am going to send everyone I know your way for their picture needs LOL Nana is Heather's mom by the way. And Papa and Granny weren't sure how to send you a comment on here but I sent them the link and they LOVED them!
And we love YOU!
These pics are fantastic! You definitely have talent. I have the most precious nieces ever!
sooo, these are so much fun! i love how infused they are in the sunlight. they really have such a soft and gentle feel. my favorite is the first one on the post, i love how her hair is blowing in the wind :D, the the last sucker shots are precious! and my other favorite is the shoe shot with those hot pink shoes! so precious!!
aww happy family photos :D