Entries in Brooke Ogilvie Photography (159)


Casey and Matt ~ Engagements {Lubbock Photographer}

Casey and Matt were such a joy to be around! I was kind of nervous meeting up with them as this was my first time to shoot photographers. That quickly went away after I met them as they are so sweet and started joking with me within minutes! Some of my new favorites are from this session so I've been dying to post them. 

You will get to see this beautiful couple again as I am shooting their wedding this July. They are getting married at Perini Ranch in Buffalo Gap, TX. I've been there once and its a beautiful set up with outdoors and hanging lights:) I can't wait. Okay the pictures already! Be sure to check them out here:)


Montandon Family {Lubbock Photographer}

This was such a fun session for me. Baby Ezra was adorable and so joyful! He did not fuss once, instead he smiled and giggled the whole time. He is officially 7 months old:) Parents, Lesley and Chad were great and it was such a pleasure getting to shoot your family. Enjoy:)


Elli is graduating ~ {Lubbock Photographer}

A couple of weeks ago, I met up with Elli and her mother and we headed to downtown Abernathy. Abernathy was full of color and random furniture which always makes me happy. Elli is graduating from Levelland High School this year and plans to attend Hardin-Simmons University in the fall. Here are some of my favorites:) 

Elli, you are gorgeous!!

Again, Congratulations and it so great to meet you:)



Christie and Koby ~ Engagements {Lubbock Photographer}

Some sessions are just set up perfectly. This was one of those sessions! The couple, the location, and the weather was awesome. We went to TG Trees Nursery and Garden which is a beautiful greenhouse and store in Lubbock. 

In college, Christie and I were in the same social club at ACU. It's great to be able to catch up with her and to take pictures of her and future hubby, Koby. I am excited to also shoot their wedding in Albany, TX this July! YAY

Time for some photos:) Hope you enjoy!

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