Entries in creative newborn photos (6)


Jasper Allen ~ Newborn: Arlington, TX

Sweeeeeet Jasper!! I've decided I could shoot newborns every day:) I just love his little face and hair...just look at him:)


Lawson B ~ Newborn: McKinney, TX

Lawson is just the sweetest! He wins the award for most smiles at 4 days old..too precious!! Here are my favorites:) 


Nixon Hucks ~ Newborn: Plano, TX

Oh sweet Nixon!! (Sigh) 

After having Madden, I had such a strong realization of how each baby is such a miracle!

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well." Psalm 139:14

I feel so blessed to be in the presence of a new life. This new life is Nixon! He is so precious and handled the camera in his face very well:) Kirsten and Tanner did such an amazing job on his nursery...one of my favorites for sure! Enjoy!


Caroline Grace Prather ~ Newborn: Lubbock, TX

Caroline Grace is the precious addition to the Prather family. Parents, Kylie and Chris, have become great friends of mine while I lived in Lubbock and I could not be happier for them. I love when babies smile (no matter the reason;) for my camera!

I was able to stay with them while visiting and Kylie was able to show me a thing or two. It's crazy I'll be experiencing this amazing miracle soon! So Kylie and Chris, thank you for the lessons!

Caroline is beautiful and I can't wait to see her grow up:) Enjoy!



Emaleigh ~ Newborn: Fort Worth, TX

Emaleigh is just precious!! I first met Deborah (Emaleigh's mom) at church and in conversation, I learned she was 8 months pregnant and she learned I was a photographer:) We got to talking about a newborn session and little did she know, her sweet friend Nicole had purchased a session for her as a surprise! I think this is such a great gift to give and if anyone is interested in gift cards, let me know:) 

I really love seeing first time parents as Cade and I are about to enter this journey! Makes me think differently when I see newborns and families! I just get so excited!! Check this sweet family out:)