Entries in Lubbock (2)


The Corn Family ~ 2012: Lubbock, TX

While I was in Lubbock, I was able to meet up with the precious Corn family! I am always so happy to take pictures of them and watch the family grow from just 2 to 3 to now 4:) Tucker and Knox are growing up so fast and they are definitely boys! They were loving the outdoors, climbing hills and playing with sticks and rocks:)

Hope you enjoy your pictures and can't wait to see you again!:)  


Caroline Grace Prather ~ Newborn: Lubbock, TX

Caroline Grace is the precious addition to the Prather family. Parents, Kylie and Chris, have become great friends of mine while I lived in Lubbock and I could not be happier for them. I love when babies smile (no matter the reason;) for my camera!

I was able to stay with them while visiting and Kylie was able to show me a thing or two. It's crazy I'll be experiencing this amazing miracle soon! So Kylie and Chris, thank you for the lessons!

Caroline is beautiful and I can't wait to see her grow up:) Enjoy!