Entries by Brooke Ogilvie Photography (424)


Eden ~ 1 year old: Tyler, TX

Time goes by so fast! I can't believe sweet Eden is already a one year old!:) Take a look here for her newborn session and then here for her 6 month session. Unbelievable! She still has those beautiful baby blues:) 

In celebration, mom let her have a big fat pink cupcake and she went to town! I was seriously laughing out loud and trying to hold the camera still while taking the last few. She was just covered and the way she scrunches her nose...precious!! Hope you enjoy!


The Corn Family ~ 2012: Lubbock, TX

While I was in Lubbock, I was able to meet up with the precious Corn family! I am always so happy to take pictures of them and watch the family grow from just 2 to 3 to now 4:) Tucker and Knox are growing up so fast and they are definitely boys! They were loving the outdoors, climbing hills and playing with sticks and rocks:)

Hope you enjoy your pictures and can't wait to see you again!:)  


Kari and Brandon ~ Engagements: Dallas, TX

This post is so special to my heart as Kari has been one of my best friends since middle school! It's so exciting to see such a special person in your life find so much happiness and the fact they asked me to capture some pictures for them, I was beyond thrilled!! They are getting married at the end of May in Arkansas and what a beautiful day it will be:) 

Brandon, thank you for loving Kari so sweetly and can't wait to hang out again! Here were my favorites from their e-session:)


Caroline Grace Prather ~ Newborn: Lubbock, TX

Caroline Grace is the precious addition to the Prather family. Parents, Kylie and Chris, have become great friends of mine while I lived in Lubbock and I could not be happier for them. I love when babies smile (no matter the reason;) for my camera!

I was able to stay with them while visiting and Kylie was able to show me a thing or two. It's crazy I'll be experiencing this amazing miracle soon! So Kylie and Chris, thank you for the lessons!

Caroline is beautiful and I can't wait to see her grow up:) Enjoy!



Coming up soon:)

Carolyn Prather ~ Newborn


Kari and Brandon ~ Engagements


The Corn Family