Entries by Brooke Ogilvie Photography (424)


Kali and Adam ~ I Do

I was blessed to take a few photos of Kali and Adam on such an important day of their lives! Adam was added to our family this past weekend and we are happy to say it. Kali and Adam, you did a beautiful job at the ceremony and I am excited for you two. 



Uncle Mark always has tricks:)


They have something to look forward to in a couple of months:)



Michelle and Dusty

Troopers: the word of the day I think as we took photos in 32 degree weather! Michelle and Dusty are so loving and gentle with each other and hanging out with them was so much fun. They have been married almost 2 years now. Thank ya'll so much for a great day and the hot chocolate:)

Michelle, you are beautiful!

And my favorite below...so sweet:)

Hope you liked them!! let me know what you think




I had the pleasure of taking photos of Corrie and her two girls, Braelyn and Brylee. They are adorable and watching them all interact together was a treat for me. Thanks Kristie for all of your help along the way. Kristie actually makes these adorable bows and tutu's that you will see towards the end of the post. 


Brylee thinks her mommy is #1..Good training mom!

Below is definitely my favorite!

This is a great series below:)

So heartbroken....

But, Big sis comes through for you!

Hope you enjoyed them, let me know what you think:)


Amie and Ryan

Amie and Ryan were sweet enough to be my models for the day and let me just say...they worked it out! Amie and Ryan are some of our best friends and it was great to hang out all day. They got married this past may and it turns out this is their 8 month anniversary today:) yay! Happy Anniversary and love you both:) 



I love this next series...push ups anyone?

Has anyone been seduced by Amie's eyes yet. Wow..beautiful!

I had lots of oooohhhs and aaahhhhs at this point. Look at that light!!

Amy and Ryan both work in the schools so of course we took this photo opt!

I should have warned everyone it was a long post, but I had soo many favorites! Let me know what you think:)



The Kiddos: Sadie and Camo

I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd introduce you to my lovely dogs. Camo is a little more skeptical of the camera, so I just have to get what I can. Sadie, on the other hand is a photo queen.


And Camo

How I love them so.....